ProStationAudio Requesters: AudioConform

The AudioConfrom window controls parameters for conforming an audio recording to a desired duration/tempo.(available depending on version)

Source / Duration

This gadget displays the duration of the source object.

Source / BPM

This gadget displays the BPM (tempo) of the source object, if available. The application provides tools for computing the BPM of an audio object.

Destination / Duration

This gadget displays the preferred duration of the destination object (after conforming).

Source / Duration / ?

Use this gadget to edit the preferred duration of the destination object (after conforming).

Source / Duration / From Object

Use this gadget to set the preferred duration of the destination object (after conforming) equal to the duration of the object previously copied to the clipboard.

Source / Duration / From Range

Use this gadget to set the preferred duration of the destination object (after conforming) equal to the duration of the range previously set.
Destination / BPM

This gadget displays the preferred BPM of the destination object (after conforming). The source BPM value must be set for this option to be available.

Destination / BPM / ?

Use this gadget to edit the preferred BPM of the destination object (after conforming). The source BPM value must be set for this option to be available.

Destination / BPM / From Object

Use this gadget to set the preferred BPM of the destination object (after conforming) equal to the BPM of the object previously copied to the clipboard. The source BPM value must be set for this option to be available. Also, the BPM of the clipboard object must be set.

Use this gadget to set the preferred strectching mode. Every stretching algorithm introduces artifacts inherent to the stretching process. This gadget lets you select between introducing less artifacts in the timing structure (Rythm) or the harmonic structure (Sound).

Please note that complex, non-cyclic, signals stretch better than pure tones. When you have to match two objects, if possible conform the one that exhibits the lowest autocorrelation. For example, when matching a drum loop with a bass guitar loop, if possible stretch the drum loop (non-cyclic waveform, great results) rather than the bass loop. The closer the harmonic spectrum is to white noise, the better.